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No 12-Year-Old Should Die By Suicide

Recently, there were 2 more suicide losses in towns near where I live. One was a 12-year-old and one was a 14-year-old. There are no words that can adequately describe the heartbreak I felt when I learned of these precious young lives lost to suicide and I know in addition to the devastation the families must be feeling, everyone in their communities is impacted as well.

We have to do more. . .We need to raise awareness and reduce stigma associated with mental health issues. We need our children to know it is okay to reach out for help and that suicide can never be an option. Dealing with depression or anxiety or any other mental health issue is not a weakness or a character flaw. There is help, things will get better, but you need to let someone know you are struggling. Please be kind—always. You never know who is struggling and how.

We do know that over 90% of people who die by suicide have a diagnosable, treatable mental health condition at the time of their death that may or may not have been diagnosed. When there is a suicide loss, people often look for an event that led to the death. It is important to understand that while an event like bullying or a break-up or job loss can be a triggering factor, research shows people don't die by suicide because of a single factor, but because of a combination of environmental, historical and genetic factors that come together at a particular time or due to a particular triggering event to create a heightened risk for suicide.

Suicide is preventable. No one should die by suicide. Not precious children like the 2 who died recently or my son T.J. or Madison Torres, or Johnny Klingert or Paige Aiello or Kurt Skelly or Stephanie Ornstein or Patrick Browne or Zach Gorman—the list can go on and on. We CAN do more. Speak out, Reach Out, Stop the Stigma.

Posted with love and T.J. hugs

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